Categories: photography

Tips for those photographers who dare to snap underwater!

Underwater photography earlier used to be something which normal person could think of as something unreal or very unusual. But now days with the advent of camera technology, underwater photography is something which anybody could give a try. Underwater photography is difficult. It is a skill and an exclusive art in itself. People who are expert in scuba diving when team it up with underwater photography then it becomes lot of fun and excitement!!!

If you have the zeal and the curiosity to explore the world under water then you have landed to the right page. The perfect way to snap the subjects underwater and make your images speak is a talent!

So here are certain tips of underwater photography for you to get those flawless images!

Choose the Right Camera.

It is important to select a good DSLR camera. The camera must have great settings and very good battery life for obvious reasons. You can also purchase one which is specialized in making underwater equipment.  There are many factors to consider while photographing under that deep water, like light balancing, very good battery life, wide aperture, high shutter speed, limited air supply, limited time etc. Before heading with your gadgets try to prepare yourself and do your homework by finding a camera which will perform consistently well while you are snapping inside that water for few long hours.

Be Patient

Under water shooting is tough and challenging.  It requires lot of practice and experiment with lighting, apertures, focal length, positioning before finally you get your perfect shot. You can be perfect with this art with time. So you need to take many images with variations in your camera settings to review and analyze your shots later.

For example, suppose you want to photograph a beautiful colorful fish. However after shoot, you will feel that the captured color is not the original one as you seen it underwater. That’s because under deep water the subject color and contrast tends to fade away. You will need to shoot near the surface to get that proper lighting.  While shooting underwater creatures, you have to move very very slowly towards your subject. At the same time it is important to photograph them as closely as possible due to lack of light and color. Also at deep water, you will have limited time due to lack of water supply. So better be prepared for such scenarios.

If however you are someone who just wants to shoot some playful photographs with kids or family in the pool then you can try some water proof point and shoot camera.

Do not Go Too Deep

This is because at depth, the water will filter out light and consecutively your shutter speed can go slow. That will be very difficult. Also as experts say, for best results keep wide aperture, high focus and small ISO settings.

Shoot subject from below

Try to shoot your images from above. Put your subject below. This is to have maximum light and precision. Keep wide aperture and close focus to include whole subject into your frame.  Keeping all these fact in mind you can avoid backscatter and blur images also.

Although there are many things to keep in mind while shooting underwater, the major important tips are listed above. Also, a DSLR is normally designed for daylight. So unless your camera has some special underwater settings or features, it is difficult to capture the original colors of your subject underwater.  One advice is that you should keep your images RAW for post processing.

So, remember practice makes one perfect and perfect practice makes one genius! Go on snapping and explore that creative and exploratory side of yours to find those exclusive pictures which no one could ever dream off!!


Jazz :